Find Online help here. We all face challenges in life. We experience periods when we are overwhelmed, stuck, uncertain or simply in need of support and advice.
Journey’s Bridge offers online professional counseling for anxiety, relationships, sports and performance, careers and life coaching. We help you with life’s difficult crossings. Services are provided for individuals, couples and groups.
We hope to be a deeper resource for you in your life’s journey, offering not just counseling, but also DIY Therapy, relevant information, reviews and assistance in finding what you seek.
Crossing a bridge in the dark is exceedingly challenging. We work to shed light on your path and to be a source of inspiration, encouraging you to take necessary steps to reach the next mile marker.
Eventually, you will reach the horizon and feel the warm sun on your face.
We Help You With
Fear is a natural human response to a threat. For some of us, the experience of fear extends far past a threat. We worry and ruminate, causing significant distress and disruption to daily life. Or, our bodies experience panic when a stressor is not rationally life-threatening. The “what if’s” crowd out much of our thinking and it becomes challenging to make decisions or enjoy typical life experiences. This can change. This can improve. Journey’s Bridge can help.
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We are social beings. We need relationships with people. Sometimes, our relationships become stuck in patterns which create significant distress. Unraveling the tangles in our relationships allows for new patterns. This de-tangling can take place with you individually or with your partner and/or family. Communication can improve. Intimacy can improve. Journey’s Bridge can help.
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Sports and Performance
Performing at our highest capability can be challenging when fear, worry or overthinking start to become obstacles. Learning to find the optimal flow state can unlock our true potential in sports, and in other forms of public performance such as singing, acting or playing an instrument. As a life-long competitor, Dr. Weissman can assist you in moving past performance anxiety so that you can succeed when it counts the most. An organized strategy and plan improve your ability to reach your goals. Journey’s Bridge can help.
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In life, as in sports, a great coach can help us grow to our potential. A great coach learns and understands your capabilities, appropriately challenging you to stretch yourself as you seek to bravely cross bridges of growth. You can become your best you. You can improve all aspects of your life. Journey’s Bridge can help.